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Eager to Motivate
E2M Fitness Media Network
E2M Fitness Media Network
BAD Podcast - Day One or One Day " The Stars Won't Align Themselves"

Dawain and Brad kick off the new year with an episode about starting fresh on day one. They emphasize the importance of focusing on the present moment and taking action to get closer to your goals. They discuss the common tendency to overthink and overanalyze, which often leads to inaction. They encourage listeners to establish a strong foundation by prioritizing the basics, such as drinking enough water and getting regular exercise. They also highlight the importance of accountability and the supportive community that e2m provides. Dawain and Brad conclude by reminding listeners to bring big energy to every aspect of their lives and not to be afraid of failure, as it is an opportunity for growth.

Key Takeaways:

Focus on the present moment and take action to get closer to your goals.
Establish a strong foundation by prioritizing the basics, such as drinking enough water and getting regular exercise.
Surround yourself with a supportive community for accountability and motivation.
Bring big energy to every aspect of your life, and don't be afraid of failure.


"Don't think, do. Go out there and take action regardless of the circumstance." - Brad
"Failure is fertilizer." - Dawain.
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - Brad

Timestamp Summary
0:00:01 Introduction to the podcast and topic of discussion
0:00:40 Quote about focusing on the present moment and taking action
0:01:00 Excitement about starting a new year and reflecting on the podcast’s progress
0:02:08 Importance of consistency and taking action on day one
0:03:47 Overthinking and paralysis by analysis can hinder progress
0:05:13 Don’t think, do and take action regardless of circumstances
0:06:00 Excitement about starting my fitness journey on January 1
0:08:03 Prime time for the fitness industry and the importance of not giving up
0:09:03 Story about learning from failure and trying again
0:10:19 Importance of learning from losses and evolving rather than giving up
0:11:15 Setting realistic goals and focusing on the present moment
0:12:32 Embracing failure as a learning opportunity
0:14:41 Avoiding discouragement by setting attainable goals
0:16:03 Establishing a strong foundation before setting big goals
0:17:28 Importance of basic building blocks and daily movement

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